Better Birth Stories

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W.A.I.T - what am I thinking?

Sometimes we know that the thoughts we are having are unhelpful, or making us feel sad or depressed. But once they have wound their way into our heads they take up all of our focus without us even realising.

So learn to use the WAIT method.
WAIT - Stop, pause, breathe....
And ask yourself. What Am I Thinking?
Then when you see your thoughts clearly, with no drama, ask yourself three more questions:
Is this true?
Do I need to think this now?
Am I being kind to myself?

If it isn't true or real then take note of that and look at the reality of these thoughts.

If it offers you no benefit but just worry and upset to consider these thoughts now, can you pencil a time later to sit with them?
'I will revisit and worry about this at 6pm' - then at 6pm you need to sit and worry... you will soon notice that your mind will tackle the conundrum quite differently.

Are you being kind to yourself? - If you are not kind to yourself, who else should be? You need to be your own best champion in life. The love of your life, your guide, your cheering team, your observer and your forgiver. So if your thoughts are unkind, say clearly 'No more thank you, I choose to love & respect myself more than this'.

These are hard times that we are moving through and birth in itself can bring its own suitcase of worries and negativity, so you really do not need to add to this.

Pause and re-set.
Then move forwards unencumbered.