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Does Hypnobirthing Work?

Does hypnobirthing work?

The most important thing to know about hypnobirthing is that you cannot actually fail at it.

There is a fair amount of nonsense taught and written about hypnobirthing… that we only ever breathe babies out… that the mother must be silent during birth… that you must only birth in the garden under a full moon… etc etc!

However, once you cut through the nonsense it is clear to see that a calm, informed, confident and happy mum, who is with a birth team who are caring for her well, will probably go on to have a more confident and positive birth experience than someone who is terrified of birth and has little to no idea of what is happening.

It really is an evidence based approach that strips away the idea of birth being too hard for women and instead places the woman front and centre and clearly states that it is not just that birth is painful but that women are powerful and capable. And that this is productive pain with an end in sight, as opposed to ‘I have hurt myself’ pain.

You might like to roar your baby out into the world. You might like to breathe your baby down and out while in the corner of a dark room while wearing an eye-mask. You might choose to birth via caesaren section, surrounded by a wonderful obstetric team. You might birth in a pool, or while standing, or with midwives or with obstetricians. You might want to feel it all, you might wish to select an epidural and feel nothing. 

Throughout it all though you will be able to use your hypnobirthing skills and drills, your physical knowledge of birth, your ability to centre yourself in the entire experience as well as seek out and ask for all of the information that you need.

Hypnobirthing is as diverse as women are. 

Hypnobirthing works.

Does hypnobirthing support every type of birth?

Yes! You can hypnobirth at home and you can hypnobirth at hospital. You can hypnobirth for a singleton birth or for a multiple birth.

You can use your hypnobirthing while having an epidural and while having a c-section.

The skills and knowledge that you will gain from your hypnobirthing classes can be applied for pre-birth anxiety, for all of your pre-birth planning, for the early stages of your labour and right the way through to post birth baby blues and understanding postnatal depression.

Want to prepare for your birth with us? We teach hypnobirthing in three wonderful ways:

Our in-person hypnobirthing classes held in London

Our award winning Online Hypnobirthing Course

Or privately in your own home, either in-person in London or via the Zoom platform anywhere around the world