Better Birth Stories

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Do you remember those days in January… when it’s cold and wet and the Christmas chocolates are finished and the sparkly lights all turned off?⠀

Or perhaps if you got married and spent ages planning your most perfect day, ..only to reach the week after and feel all glum inside.⠀

Perhaps you graduated with the highest grade possible and the day was magical and you felt ready to rule the world… only afterwards you realised that there was no work and you had to accept what you could get.⠀

Well, having a baby, for so many of us can feel a bit similar.⠀

All the building, all the excitement, the arrival, the love, the gifts and the complete awe and wonder.⠀

And then the exhaustion hits like a brick wall.⠀

Perhaps the chocolates and delivered food runs out.⠀

Your partner goes back to work, goes back to normality.⠀

And there you are. ⠀

The hormones won’t really help. Nor will the lack of sleep.⠀

The world has turned upside down and everyone or everything is moving on.⠀

So what do I recommend?⠀

Make mum friends both pre-birth and at baby groups. Have someone you can Whatsapp to moan with. Moaning is fine. Mum friends are absolutely precious. ⠀

Wrap baby up and get out. Walk and see the trees and the shops and get take out coffee or hot chocolate. Enjoy not having a desk to run back to. ⠀

Download box sets of TV you have always wanted to watch. (Small babies really don’t need much input apart from skin, hugs, food and clean nappies!). How else will you ever watch every season of ‘Never Have I Ever’?? ⠀

Learn that some crying is normal. ⠀

That poonamis are normal.⠀

That baby posset is normal.. and smelly.⠀

That nobody is better at it than you.. Or worse…⠀

Expect and accept change. Because change really isn’t so bad. 💗