Better Birth Stories

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Lucilla’s birth – the importance of the birth partner.

Knowing that you have a supportive and informed birth partner with you on your birth journey is so very important.

When I teach hypnobirthing I do so to the birthing person AND their birth partner.

I love how in this birth Lucilla says that at one point she forgets all her skills and starts to fight the surges until her husband steps in and reminds her. This really is the power of an informed and supportive birth partner.

It isn’t often that a client will arrive in hospital to birth her baby fully dilated but we do need to remember that everyone will experience labour differently and at a different pace.

This is a great birth story about using hypnobirthing skills and breathing. Enjoy.

I thought I'd email now and give you the details of how our beautiful daughter Isabella arrived in the world last Sunday.  I went into labour on Friday morning and first forgot all my hypnobirthing and fought each one. My husband, who attended the course too, gently showed me the breathing, reminded me of my birth plan and put on a recording.

From then on the waves came and went for 48 hours and although they became more powerful I was able to actively work through them and stay calm and focused. 48 hours was a very long time and even when I became tired I was able to stay calm and relaxed and visualise our daughter making her way down.  By Sunday I still hadn't progressed to 3 in 10 but also hadn't felt the baby since Saturday so rang the hospital who said to come in so we could check she was okay on the foetal monitor. By the time I arrived at the hospital my waves were coming more regularly and I knew our little girl would be here very soon.

The midwife said she would do an examination which was hard as I was starting to get the urge to push. When examined I was 10 cm (the midwife was visibly shocked and said it was the first time a mother had presented that far along) and although it was too late for the birth pool I was able to get off the bed and birth beside it.

This was when all the visualisations really helped as well as the strong knowledge that I was able to birth my baby and that my body was powerful and open. It took an hour of breathing down (it felt much quicker) where I was fully focused and let my body guide me.

She was born shocked so unfortunately had to be taken for oxygen and stimulation so the cord had to be cut immediately but within 5 minutes she was returned to me and was absolutely perfect! She responded well to skin on skin and within a couple of minutes had crawled up and latched on and was very calm and content and she has stayed that way ever since. She is incredibly peaceful and I attribute this to the calm way that hypnobirthing showed me to birth.  The birth was far from what I expected and didn't always go to plan but I was able to be calm and relaxed and with the support of my husband and a wonderful midwife. So thank you for showing us how to make birth an incredibly special and calm experience but also to accept that some parts will be unexpected but that with the right tools you can feel calm and in control.

Want to learn hypnobirthing with us? Don’t forget that we have a full Online Antenatal Hypnobirthing Class that you can follow in your own time anywhere around the world. It is only £39/$49.
The Online Hypnobirthing Course

We also teach antenatal hypnobirthing classes in London in person with our One Day Group Hypnobirthing Class.
In-person Antental Hypnobirthing Group Class

If you’d rather prepare for your labour and birth solo with Melanie you can do so in the privacy of your own home in person if you live in London or via the Zoom platform wherever you are around the globe.
Private Antenatal Hypnobirthing Classes