Two sides to the birth coin.

There are two sides to the birth coin.

The first is mentally and physically preparing yourself for labour, birth and becoming a parent… or a parent to more than one child.

The second is understanding the system into which you will be giving birth and the community into which you will be arriving as a new parent.

Ideally you need to get an understanding of both.

Whichever birth preparation course you take ensure that it fully works with your unconsciously held blue-prints about birth. Removes fear and replaces worries. Builds you up and increases your confidence. Gives you the skills to travel with your labour and birth however long, quick, intense or calm that it may be.

The other side of the coin though is knowing where you are going. What your rights are and how other people’s belief systems may challenge your own. You will need to learn about where you would like to give birth to your baby. How where you are will affect the process and journey of that birth and how important the people you surround yourself with are.

You need to be able to notice when publications or practitioners talk about ‘coping’ as opposed to ‘thriving’. How language matters but actual facts do too. So when you speak about Induction of Labour or any intervention you truly know what you are talking about...but are then calm and strong enough to have that conversation.

And in those early, tentative days of parenting you will need to love yourself fiercely and seek support from those you trust to help you. There will be so many opinions that you will need to learn to filter so that you can still hear your own inner advisor. 

You see, you will never forget the births of your children. These immense experiences deserve time and energy put into them. As will the start of your life as a parent.

Is it your birth or somebody else's? This is why you prepare.

Two sides of a coin - both equally important.


Blood and birth.


Birth is earthy.