Stop thinking about birth so hard.

You don’t need help to sneeze. You don’t need help to cry. You don’t need someone to watch you, or coach you to have a poo.

And you certainly didn’t need an audience to have sex, or anyone telling you the best position for you.

We can yawn, belch, stretch, wee and fall asleep… all without a team, or coaching, or fear that we’ll do it all wrong.

Birth, as a human mammal is a normal, physiological event. Your body does actually know what it is doing… just like every other mammal on this planet.

It will ask you to move. It will ask you to possibly make lots of noise. It will ask you to relax… or be active. It might ask you to push.

But you need to listen to it.

Above the cacophony of judgement and unsolicited advice.

You need to trust it.

Even when surrounded by people who tell you everything that could go wrong, however slim that chance may be.

Seek out those care-givers who give you space and care. Who wait, with their hands held to support you should you need it and not before. Who guide you through any changes in direction with care and respect.

Birth is normal.


Have faith in you.


Affirmations and hypnobirthing.


Who is responsible for your birth?