A Positive Twin Birth Story.

Yes it is true that twin births can sometimes be a little bit more complicated or need a little bit more help. However, it is also true that many twins are born physiologically as they would have been throughout time. With twins we just plan for every eventuality.

I absolutely love Hanna and Mark’s birth story and I am sure that you will too. So, over to Mark…

On the 23rd December my wife Hanna gave birth to our twin boys. Hanna has given me permission to write our birth story on behalf of both of us, as I found it to be quite cathartic, and she has since read and approved it :)

While the birth(s) didn’t match our birth plan, it was an extremely positive experience throughout, and thanks to the techniques we learned during our Hypnobirthing course and homework, we were well equipped to make informed decisions whenever things took an unexpected turn.

We were told that we would definitely need a C-section due to twin number 2 being on the small side. As we got closer to the delivery date the boys turned around and were both head down - ideal for a natural birth, so we pushed back on the c-section, along with all types of induction until at least 36 weeks - which didn’t go down too well at the hospital!

At 1am on the 23rd of December (my birthday) at 35 weeks plus 3 days, Hanna’s waters broke naturally. We threw our hospital bags in the car and headed to St George’s, told them our birth plan and asked for gas and air only.

Before we had even been allocated a bed, Hanna’s surges went from zero to unbearable within the first half an hour. We knew that surges would be challenging, but these seemed too much too soon, maybe because her waters broke a few hours before the first contraction? We used the basic breathe and counted backwards from 40 for 4 long hours but she eventually reached her limit. Her body was ready to give birth as her waters broke naturally, but it was simply too painful. We decided an epidural would be the best way to go. Once in place she was much calmer and able to enjoy the rest of the process with a mix of Xmas songs and Melanie’s affirmations flooding the room. As her labour progressed we had moments where her discomfort became a little too much, moments of giggling at standup comedy on my laptop, and even a few naps.

At one point I tried to give Hanna a confidence boost by telling her she is powerful. We hadn’t had much rest and so I fluffed my lines and ended up calling her a pineapple. We laughed a lot and probably generated more oxytocin than my original compliment would have!

We wanted a minimally invasive birth, but in the end needed the help from an epidural and an oxytocin drip as her dilation slowed down quite a lot and her waters had been broken for some time. One doctor told us we were to deliver in theatre incase anything went wrong, but his idea ended when his shift did. We stayed put in the delivery suite with the lights dimmed, moving between bed and ball while the epidural wasn’t too strong. We also allowed a clip to be placed on baby number one’s head, as it was difficult for the midwives to differentiate between the two heartbeats through the monitors on Hanna’s bump.

For the rest of the day we had examinations every 4 hours to check how dilated Hanna was. By 11pm she had reached ten centimetres and began to push.

At 23:38, approximately 24hrs after her waters broke, baby Arlo was born, crying gently while he was placed on her chest. There was no need for the use of forceps or ventouse. Hanna was calm and in control.

For the second birth, Hanna kept Arlo in her arms, having only met him moments ago and pushed hard, working with her surges. I will never forget how in awe I was of her ability to put such force behind her surges while holding her tiny new son so softly. Her power, her composure and her grace all at once really reminded me why I married her. This was the best moment of my life.

As the clock ticked closer to midnight it became more and more likely that the boys would have different birthdays. Not keen on this idea, Hanna kept up the pace much to the amusement of the midwives. Baby number two was a little smaller than the first and so didn’t take very long at all. Reu arrived just before midnight, sharing his birthday with his brother and his dad.

Both boys were deemed healthy and placed on her chest immediately. They were only taken to the other side of the room for minor checks and brought straight back. They were both able to stay with us in the room that night.

I can’t imagine how scary the process would have been without the lessons you taught us, and how much of a spare part I would have been without the toolbox you equipped me with. We never once felt out of our depth and all of the medical interventions offered to us were carefully considered and weighed up before we agreed. Thank you so much. Your choice of information to share with us and the way you teach made it so easy to digest and retain the information, even in the heat of the moment!

The boys stayed in the special care unit for two weeks while they got the hang of breastfeeding and got their jaundice under control.

Thank you for everything.

Mark, Hanna, Arlo and Reu

Want to learn hypnobirthing with us?

Don’t forget that we have a full Online Antenatal Hypnobirthing Class that you can follow in your own time anywhere around the world. It is only £39/$49.
The Online Hypnobirthing Course

We also teach antenatal hypnobirthing classes in London in person with our One Day Group Hypnobirthing Class.
In-person Antental Hypnobirthing Group Class

If you’d rather prepare for your labour and birth solo with Melanie you can do so in the privacy of your own home in person if you live in London or via the Zoom platform wherever you are around the globe.
Private Antenatal Hypnobirthing Classes


The Positive Hypnobirth of Margot…


A positive VBAC birth story of a big baby