Positive Birth Stories
Reading other mum’s birth stories can be so very helpful when preparing for your own birth. What did they choose and why? How did they work with changes or problems? What worked and what did not? How did it affect the birth using Hypnobirthing skills? Most importantly though it allows you to see that birth can be a positive and life-affirming experience irrespective of the path that that birth took.
So, settle back, have a good read and enjoy.
Steph’s Positive Hospital Birth
I want to scream my birth story from the rooftops. Women are so badass!
My birth didn't go to plan. No water birth, no time or room to set up our diffuser, LED candles, affirmation cards etc. But it was the most amazing experience of my life.
Hayley’s positive birth of Adaline.
From now onwards, my surges were a lot more intense, with pretty much only 30seconds rest in between them! All I could do was breath the basic breath to get through them, and I found being on all fours was much much easier for the pain.
The Positive Hypnobirth of Margot…
I felt myself go inward and between contractions I couldn’t tell you were I was but I was relaxed and almost asleep. 50minutes later my husband is telling me we have a baby girl.