Positive Birth Stories
Reading other mum’s birth stories can be so very helpful when preparing for your own birth. What did they choose and why? How did they work with changes or problems? What worked and what did not? How did it affect the birth using Hypnobirthing skills? Most importantly though it allows you to see that birth can be a positive and life-affirming experience irrespective of the path that that birth took.
So, settle back, have a good read and enjoy.
Azalia’s Planned Homebirth Waterbirth
It was really exhilarating to do it naturally, feel the full process and in our own environment. I felt like an absolute warrior for days afterwards…
Li Ee & Joe’s Second Birth Using Hypnobirthing
We've just had our second baby and had an even better experience than the first time…
Natalie’s Birth Centre Hypnobirth of Winnie
It was all so fast and I swear I was on another plane. She floated up in the tub as I flipped around and was so alert. I couldn’t believe it. That we are that powerful, that it felt that raw and real.
Hayley’s positive birth of Adaline.
From now onwards, my surges were a lot more intense, with pretty much only 30seconds rest in between them! All I could do was breath the basic breath to get through them, and I found being on all fours was much much easier for the pain.
Sarah’s Calm Birth Centre Birth.
Very early Sunday morning around 12:30am contractions began. By 12:45am they were regular, around 1 minute duration every 1-2 minutes. We called the birth center and they said to go ahead and come in. Wow- that was quick!
Vita's birth of river.
I don’t know first hand what a long or complicated labour feels like and I know that makes me lucky. But the thing with fast births is that they are just that: fast. You don’t have time to process what is happening, you barely have time to catch your breath between surges. You really need to keep your wits about you as you don’t have the time or headspace to talk things through.
Dimitra and James' home birth hypnobirth
I remember feeling "high" from my own endorphins, empowered and relaxed. I remember feeling strong and mighty, completely focused on birthing my baby and not caring about anything/anyone else in the room.
How learning enables a calm birth — Li Ee and Joe
Before we attended your course, we were both quite apprehensive about the birth, but after your course, we felt so much better, calmer and positive about it. I listened to your tracks almost everyday, and over the weeks grew in confidence of my ability to birth our baby and was no longer fearful of labour and birth.
Caroline's home birth: post-dates birth
Our son Phoenix was born at home the week before Christmas. As preparation for the birth, I did a hypnobirthing class and one free antenatal class, but we opted to not do all the antenatal classes that everyone seems to do. We wanted a home birth and felt that the hypnobirthing would be the most useful for us. I also did pregnancy yoga and read a small number of books