Birth isn't linear.
Birth isn't linear. A progression of events always moving forwards.⠀
It isn't a piece of string. This length or that length.⠀
I wish that I could simply say to my clients. ⠀
'There is this, then that, then this.... and then you are done. It will take this long'.⠀
But it isn't linear.⠀
It will start and stop. Open and retract.⠀
Rise and fall.⠀
And I have no idea how long your labour will last and nor will anyone else.⠀
If they tell you that you are 5cms dilated - it only tells you that you are 5cms dilated. Not half way there. Or almost done. ⠀Although, if they use that to cheer you on then I am right beside them showering you in confidence and drive also.⠀
It is great to understand the mechanics of labour and birth but even better if you can internalise that learning to better understand your body and your baby. To be able to breathe and focus your way through. Or laugh... or cry if that feels better for you.⠀
Distractions will distract you, so learn when and where that is beneficial for you - or less beneficial.⠀
Imagine that you are lowering yourself into a free flowing river. You know where it will take you eventually but you are not yet privy to the twists and turns, the snags and eddies that this journey contains. You need to just let go and float, while remaining mindful of rocks and of course holding a float if you want one.⠀
Take your ante-natal course, do your reading, make your plan and then surrender yourself to these powerful, life-changing internal forces.⠀
Eat, drink, wee.⠀
Labour does have an end and a really, really worthy one.⠀
That's my thoughts on the matter anyway 💕💕⠀
Beautiful & powerful photo courtesy of @tribeofwildings @vida_images on Instagram