The three spaces of birth.
I believe that there are three spaces that affect birth.⠀
The first is your head.⠀
The second is your body.⠀
The third is your surroundings.⠀
They all feed each other. ⠀
What is happening in your mind? What do you believe to be true about birth? Are you happy? Sad? Fearful? Brave?⠀
All of these beliefs and thoughts that flow through your mind then flood into the second space..⠀
What is happening in your body? How are your body and baby responding to your labour? Smoothly? Stop and Start? Is this physiological? Or chemically managed? Are you well? Healthy? Warm? Is the oxytocin flowing? And how is your body being affected by the third space?....⠀
What is happening around you? Are you well supported? Are you safe? Are you compromised? Is it too bright? It is dim enough? Are there loud noises? Too much chatter? Too many people? Is there kindness? Is there support?⠀
For you see...all that is happening around you will be affecting the first space... what is happening in your mind?⠀
When we learn hypnobirthing, or mindful birth, or birth through yoga preparation then we are looking at the combination and relationship between these three spaces, because if one is causing you problems it will have a knock on effect to the other two and this will affect your labour and birth in ways that perhaps we have failed in the past to really grasp.⠀
Preparation for a positive birth experience is a study of 3 different spaces. Perhaps you can consider this in your own preparation?