Better Birth Blog
Information on hypnobirthing, pregnancy and birth
Why book a hypnobirthing class?
You've heard about others taking these classes. You may have perused a book in Waterstones once. You may even have been told about hypnobirthing by your midwife.
But why on earth should you book?
This is your birth - reasons to create a birth plan.
A birth plan (or proposal if you prefer) stops you from going in blind, or at the whim of others. It doesn't need to be set in stone but can act as a learning experience, a guide or a steel beam to your beliefs and hopes around the birth you wish to have.
Don’t be a pleaser.
Pregnant ladies and new mums. Listen up - this is important.
Breathe, rest, repeat - your surges in labour.
It's funny that we spend so much time talking about the surges. As if that is all that will be happening.
You feel as you think - thoughts & beliefs are not facts so dispute them.
You know that depression lies to you. You know it tells you untruths, half-truths and embellishes fear & worry.
Fainting at blood? Fear of needles?...Tap, tap, tap... EFT.
It is reported now that 1 in 10 adults has a fear of needles or blood. You do not need to be one of them.
The third trimester.
This time is all about growth and you will marvel as your stomach swells..
Hello baby! Your first scan.
Somewhere between 11-13 weeks you will be invited to have a scan of your baby.
The twenty-week scan.
Do you want to find out the sex of your baby? Because there is a fair chance that your sonographer will be able to tell you at this point. As one rather amusing sonographer said to me once...hamburger or snail?
The second trimester.
The term Second Trimester describes the middle part of your pregnancy from months four to six.
The booking in appointment.
The booking in appointment is when your maternity notes and care plan will be filled in and your notes then given to you to bring to further appointments.
Pregnancy? Let's start at the very beginning.
Your first positive test. Such excitement. Perhaps you have been waiting for a long time to see this? Perhaps it happened so quickly you are feeling a little overwhelmed? Maybe you weren't even planning for this event so are staring at the stick in disbelief?
Born in a barn?
Where to give birth - Home, Midwife-led Unit, Obstetric Unit or Barn.
Here is the deal. You can give birth wherever you like…
We really need to talk about piles.... because no one ever does!
Nobody talks about piles. Or would you rather call them haemorrhoids? I'm not really fussed either way. However, for many women they can become a real problem during pregnancy and post-birth.
Birth the way you need to.
There is no one way to give birth. As you are individual so your labour will be individual.
My heart walks around outside of me now...
Parenting is exhausting. And wonderful.
Worrying and uplifting.
The worst of you and equally the very best.
Stop telling mums that '…they grow up too soon'.
The light from the street-lamps outside was lighting up her face and hair....and it hit me. It hit me so hard my breath caught. It is coming to an end. There is a point where this will stop.
Birthing in water.
If you watch a labouring woman getting into a birth pool you can clearly see why water births are so popular. The whole body, from the head down, softens....relaxes...releases. There is a long sigh.
Don’t feed the trolls.
I was talking about this with my oldest daughter the other day. The concept of just not engaging with people who only mean to rile you.
The birth partner.
How did it happen? When did it happen?
The birth partner was resigned to being just a hand.
A hand that would be held hard. Very hard.